Security Policy

Grupo Tenea, aware that ensuring the quality of our services, as well as information security, is a critical resource, has established an Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2022, 9001:2015, and 20.000-1:2018 standards.

The effectiveness and application of the Integrated Management System in accordance with the reference standards is the direct responsibility of the Integrated Management System Committee, which is responsible for approving, disseminating, and ensuring compliance with this policy. On its behalf, an Integrated System Manager has been appointed, who has sufficient authority to actively participate in the Management System, overseeing its implementation, development, and maintenance.

We recommend that you read this policy carefully.

At Ofimood, all necessary measures will be implemented to comply with applicable regulations and other contractual requirements, and to establish the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the referenced ISO standards.

Therefore, Ofimood:

Approved and signed by Management on February 8, 2023.

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